November 8 th , 2022 Board Meeting
Present: Joe Cerullo, Brad Hay, Becky Bouck, Kristy Byers, and Donna Bateman.
Absent: Kevin Molloy, Brittany Rojek, and Shari Fiocca
Meeting called to order at 3:36 pm.
Admin Report – We will be sending our application forms for 2023 membership.
Treasurer Report – Reviewed report and approved.
We voted on new Executive positions for 2023:
President: Kristy Byers
Secretary: April Eick
Treasurer: Donna Bateman
VP: Becky Bouck
Discussed company options to update the chamber website. Board voted and decided to use Digital
Coca. Kristy motioned, Becky 2nd, and all in favor.
We decided to add the historical society as a honorary chamber member.
Meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm.